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20 tips to help you live in harmony with others

We all want to live in a beautiful world, free from suffering and hatred.

Human life is a journey through a labyrinth of spirit and experience. The walls of this labyrinth are high and deceptive, but there is a way to get through them: contact and cooperation with other people. If we want to be happy, we must win the affections of as many people as possible.

Let's be friends, not enemies!
Each of us really wants the same thing, namely a safe and happy life. But this is very difficult to achieve on our own. After all, man is a herd animal. Consequently, in the end, only by being in relationship with others is it able to recognize its own existence as complete.

How to live in harmony with others?
To live in harmony with others is more difficult than it seems at first sight. Everyday life is full of conflicts and misunderstandings; we all have different views and opinions on a myriad of issues. Even with our loved ones (i.e., those we love), we may have difficulty reaching agreement.

So how do we learn to live in harmony? Is it even possible?

The answer to the second question is yes. Harmony between people, even the most dissimilar ones, is possible. We just need to show a little goodwill and we can create a society of people living in harmony with each other.

20 tips to help you live in harmony with others:
It all starts with you. If you want to live in harmony with others, don't count on "others" to provide harmony in your relationships. Don't wait for someone to treat you well. Be the first.
Take part in public events - the city, district or village where you live. Through this you will feel a stronger bond with your neighbors. You may even become friends with some of them.
Be friendly and outgoing - say hello to people on the street, especially if you see them around regularly. Try to treat them as your potential friends.
Be open to compromise. Things won't always go the way you want them to, but that doesn't mean you have to insist on your own all the time. A person who can't adjust won't get very far.
Remember that you don't have to agree with everyone. Living in harmony with others does not mean having the same views. Differences are good in that they allow us to grow.
Don't put off meetings with friends or relatives indefinitely - the longer you don't talk to each other, the weaker your bonds will be.
Meetings with friends should be scheduled regularly, such as once a week or once a month. This way you won't lose touch.
Make time with your family meaningful and unforgettable. Also be sure to respect the traditions of older family members.
Open up to people and treat them fairly. You won't get very far on lies. Sooner or later everything will be exposed.
If you see that someone needs help, do not hesitate to offer it. At the same time, don't expect anything in return. After all, life is not about being constantly rewarded for your actions.
Avoid thoughts that might alienate you from people. The division into opposing camps ("us and them") very often leads to conflict.
Remember that everyone makes mistakes. Moreover, he has a right to them.
Don't belittle people just because they don't look like you. Note: if someone is different (from you), you are also different (from that person).
Don't yell. Even in cases of disagreement, you don't need to be aggressive. If you are arguing with someone, use reasonable arguments rather than attacking the other person. The one who yells usually has nothing of value to say, so he will always be in a losing position.
If you find it difficult to control your emotions when communicating with someone, take a deep breath and try to respond rationally and calmly.
Are you wrong? Don't be afraid to admit it and change your behavior.
Learn to listen actively. Maintain eye contact with your interlocutor, even if you don't agree with their opinion. Relax your shoulders and turn your body toward the speaker to let him or her know that you are not ignoring him or her.
Try not to interrupt the person talking to you.
Try meditation or yoga classes. Inner peace is an important factor in living in harmony with others.
Find your passion and share it with others. Do what you enjoy, it will help you calm down. Also, you have a chance to meet people who are interested in the same thing.
Remember: we're all human. And, that neighbor you dislike so much because he listens to music loudly is human, too.

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