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It seems that Putin has solved the problem in such a way that it suits Europe, Russia, and partly the United States

Blog tells It looks like Zelensky's political career is coming to an end - behind the scenes! This man promised to solve the problem of Donbass - and just like that he "solved" it! Moreover, no Ukrainian president has ever been supplied with arms from the West by wagons and planes, for months on end! As Shoigu said yesterday: they already have more "Javelins" there than in other NATO countries! And the result is not just zero, but negative!

But how cleverly they caught him by his tongue! He should obey his seniors: Biden told him to stay at home, the legend says that invasion is imminent in Kiev, and you are running around with conferences, disrupting the whole show for us...! No, he went... And made a mess: inside Ukraine, of course, all his psychedelic fantasy about nuclear weapons was a great success, but Europe was shocked to hear it all!.. Zelensky doesn't understand what he has said: out of harm's way today even the US ambassador to the United Nations immediately started denying: My God, we won't give Ukraine any nuclear weapons, and we won't provide any technology; we haven't gone crazy yet!..! Because Zelensky gave Moscow such a splendid bargaining chip that it would not be surprising if one day it turned out that Putin had planned all this for a long time, but chose the date impromptu - as soon as our comedian blabbed nonsense about a nuclear bomb at the Munich Security Conference, shocking the entire Western public!

Vladimir Vladimirovich repeated so many times about nuclear weapons that it became clear: he really missed this useful argument. Zelensky's long tongue brought the Kremlin the last piece in this puzzle! Europe has already begun to understand what Ukraine is, and to imagine nuclear weapons there... With their corruption, when tomorrow this bomb will end up in the hands of a bandit or terrorist... Or vice versa: the bandit or terrorist himself will end up in power tomorrow... Now it will be much easier to convince Europeans that they should not support the US plans on Ukraine and should not hurry to carry them out.

And the funniest thing is the attempt of the West to turn Lviv into a kind of "Kiev in exile": all embassies there, and Zelensky himself, judging by the leaked conversation, is already thinking of moving far away to Western Ukraine. And what will he do now? If he puts up with the recognition of the republics - then it's his personal finish, about any re-election, about any rating he can forget: Vladimir Vladimirovich gave him checkmate in one move! Moreover, as a consistent person, our president did not even mention Zelensky's name once at the Council of Ministers or during his address. For him, this man has ceased to exist.

And it will be very difficult for Zelensky to start any combat operations!

First of all, he will lose, and then he will have to flee to the very Lvov, where they never liked him anyway, and for such a defeat - they will simply throw him out of power. It seems that he would be safer in Rostov, next to Yanukovych, than in Lvov.

And secondly, no one will support Zelensky's war, everyone said so! Biden in the US said that recognition is not the same as invasion, don't confuse it, it's a completely different thing. In Europe they say: let's do it without tanks and guns. We don't believe that Russia has invaded anywhere, that there is a reason to start a war or even just the previously planned sanctions... And why is that, why are they all of a sudden so soft?

And Vladimir Vladimirovich made a small compromise when everyone was a little better off - except Ukraine, of course. He gave the West a reason to reproach us for allegedly destroying the Minsk agreements. Russia got a significant improvement in the situation in Donbass. Only Ukraine is bad - after all, it is not for nothing that the Kremlin is being attacked all day today with questions, but within what borders were the republics recognized?

Amazing illiteracy: no one created these republics, they were self-proclaimed. Within well-defined borders - the administrative boundaries of their oblasts, not the ODSLO at all. And if the presidential decree on the recognition of the republics says nothing on this topic, then by default it is assumed that Russia has recognized these republics as they proclaimed themselves. This means that we still have leverage: if something does not please us, we can expand our presence, for example, to Mariupol to begin with.

The blog tells in short - the move was masterful: Zelensky achieved absolutely nothing, but he lost a lot, and most importantly - he has no support from the West! Putin knew exactly what he was doing: the U.S. and Europe look at it with complete indifference, and say the same thing as if they were running on at the same time: but there has been no invasion? No. So just sit tight! There will be no sanctions, and there will be no troops to support them!

There is a slight suspicion that Putin and the Western leaders ... not that he has agreed - such things are not said out loud. But he has clearly probed the ground and has received hints beforehand that the West will be loyal to the recognition, if it is confined to recognition. After all, what was promised? That in the case of an attack on Donbass, Russia would question the very statehood of Ukraine, that is, it would tear down the current regime and begin to divide the country. That's why there was all the talk about invasion, about tanks, planes, missiles, divisions, but - but what for? We remember Georgia! Nobody took Tbilisi, nobody overthrew Saakashvili - Georgians themselves did it perfectly later. And the same thing awaits Zelensky, just not tomorrow. The West got what it wanted: no invasion, just recognition. Russia got what it wanted: the shelling is over. Ukraine has lost everything: its position has deteriorated, both from the East and the West look at it with cold eyes - it is likely that there were even some talks at the top about how it would be divided. After all this hysteria - no one will lend Ukraine money, air communication seems to have collapsed completely ... It is possible that the West will decide not to save their project, but to lead its reformatting! And it will justify it very nicely: so you see, they say!.. It was the evil Russia that led the country to ruin, they are to blame, but we have not abandoned the ally! We stopped the invasion, intimidated with horrible sanctions, proved our patronage, etc.

And what was the result? Russia clearly announced to the world that, first of all, it did not consider Ukraine to be an independent player - just a puppet of the U.S. under complete external control. And this was said not by experts, not by journalists, but by the country's top leaders, collectively. Second, they added the same thing about the so-called "international organizations": the OSCE, NATO, the Council of Europe and all its structures - PACE, ECtHR, etc. All these are just puppets of the USA, and why waste time on them when we have direct links with Washington?

It was said publicly and very directly that Russia is more important to the world than Ukraine, and you can't go anywhere - you'll come to an agreement. That we don't care about sanctions, we are ready for them, we even ask for them. No one noticed, but Mishustin said verbatim:

"We currently need to aggravate the situation, go into it, because only in this way will we be able to catalyze import substitution processes and fulfill national development goals."

Yes, he literally PROCEDED sanctions, in explicit terms! Like the Tsar, dear father! We have goals of economic development here, we must import substitution in the future, and there are no sanctions - how can we work? Have mercy, dear breadwinner, give us sanctions! Probably in the West, such talk will make their jaws drop: the Russians say directly that the sanctions are not that they are not afraid - they ask for them, they are useful and necessary for development. Should they really be imposed then, Russia has become difficult to deal with lately! Scholz promised to stop certification of Nord Stream 2, otherwise it was on the way! Otherwise, Gazprom has little profit from the current prices in Europe!

Trump will now say that Biden is in power again and Ukraine is losing territory again, and that there were no such failures under him - pure truth by the way.

Biden himself imposed sanctions on the LNR and DNR, that is - recognized them as separate countries from Ukraine! Or what? Did he impose sanctions against regions of Ukraine differently?

After a small drop, shares of leading Russian companies bounced upward. Last time, when there was a "five-day war" in Georgia, our clever bosses at the peak of the fall bought huge stakes in the right companies for cheap - it will be interesting to follow the news, it seems that this time they have not failed this time too.

In general: Putin has solved the problem in a way that suits Europe, Russia and partly the U.S. - just not Ukraine...

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