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Ways to Live an Amazing Life

Some of us consciously make decisions related to our life choices. Others simply follow society without thinking where the shepherd leads them. Others wander in the darkness, seeking answers to the simplest of questions. One such question--and I hear it often--is: How should we live?

Imagine that your life is a house in which you live. It has several rooms, furniture, and various appliances. Over the years, you have accumulated many things-not all of them you need, but you have them, and you treasure them.

You keep memories, views, successes and failures, habits and feelings at home. It's all inside your home. Your things may be well organized, but most of the time you struggle to keep things in order. After all, you accumulate more and more each year. Sooner or later it will turn into a mess.

In this mess, how do you find the truly important and valuable things?

As you understand it is not easy to do. However, I have some simple tips that are sure to be useful to you.

The basics

If you want to be satisfied and feel like a complete person, you must find something that fascinates you. It can be a regular hobby, like collecting stamps or reading books.
Life is too short to tire yourself out with work. So look for an occupation that will bring you joy in addition to money. Not everyone makes a living the way they like. But that doesn't mean they can't do what they want to do in their free time.
Learn how to manage your finances properly. Money is not the most important thing, but a certain level of financial literacy is important. Don't deny yourself pleasures just to accumulate a fortune. Money itself has no value.
Remember that nothing is free. Even if you don't see it at first glance, everything has a price to pay, whether it's financial, emotional or otherwise (like your time). It remains to ask what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve a particular goal.
Don't be jealous of others because of what they have or what position they occupy. Envy is an extremely destructive emotion. It can destroy all human life or, at the very least, interfere with living and enjoying one's own achievements.
Don't be a lazy person. You probably have big dreams. But are you doing anything that brings you closer to them? Or are you too lazy? Putting off achieving goals has become the norm, but if you don't see any progress in your life, then something is going wrong. And you need to fix it.
Conquer your fear of making a mistake. I used to be very afraid of failure. So I didn't take on challenges that would give me great satisfaction. Fortunately, I learned to put my fear in my pocket and keep going.
Don't forget to plan for the future. It's not about ignoring the present (that's very important), it's about consciously shaping your behavior to go in a certain direction. Life without purpose is meaningless.
Take care of your body. Health is one of the most important things in a person's life, although not all of us realize it. The body is a tool for communication with the outside world. If you want to live a full life, you must stay in shape.
Create favorable circumstances. You can wait for favorable offers or create your own. It really isn't as difficult as it seems.
Social life

Maintain good relationships with your family and loved ones. Life is beautiful when we share it with someone else. As cliché as it sounds, family comes first. Always find time and energy for it, and you won't regret the days gone by.
Learn to live for others. But only within reasonable limits. Don't choose your path in life based on the expectations or needs of others. Try to help when you can, but don't forget to take care of your own needs as well.
Don't hurt other creatures - not just people, but animals as well. A person who hurts others is denying his or her own worth. It is like a malignant tumor devouring the healthy tissue of society.
Helping others is beneficial to the person. Don't fixate only on yourself, because one day the world will forget all about you. Loneliness will not bring happiness to anyone; even if he has achieved the greatest professional success that could only be dreamed of.
Refrain from gossip. It may seem like something insignificant; nevertheless, many people suffer from gossip.
Work on your interpersonal skills. What does this mean? It's about being able to interact well, being kind to others, and communicating effectively. It's about living well with people, animals and even plants.
Don't try to please everyone. It won't succeed. Regardless of your level of personal ability, you are not able to act in such a way as to please every person you meet along the way.
Accept constructive criticism. Of course, we're not talking about accepting the behavior of the haters, but rather constructive criticism that can help you understand the mistakes you're making.
Look to the future with optimism, treat the past as a lesson. History is a great teacher, so it's worth studying. Of course, you don't need to study history at an advanced level. It's enough to learn about human destinies and draw conclusions for yourself.
Make sure you have time for yourself. In today's society, very often people don't have time for themselves. Remember that time is one of the most valuable things you have. Don't waste it.
The Spiritual Path

Act in harmony with your conscience and beliefs. A person who acts against himself will never be happy.
Don't fight anger, fear, and other feelings that make you mentally uncomfortable. Get to know them, accept them, and then let them come naturally.
Set spiritual goals. This may not seem very important. Meanwhile, the opposite is true. You have to know what you want to accomplish in your work on yourself. If you don't figure it out, you'll just wander from corner to corner for most of your life.
Analyze your weaknesses. One of the hardest things is to be objective about your weaknesses. People tend to rationalize what they do, even when they are wrong. When you recognize your weaknesses, you can take steps to become a better version of yourself.
Develop good habits and fight the bad ones. There are things that make life extremely burdensome. Most of them exist only in our heads-these are the bad habits we form every day.
Self-control is a skill that largely determines quality of life.
Take care of your soul and your mind. Don't put nonsense or unnecessary information into your head. Don't spend too much time in front of the television or on the Internet. And if you do, choose more valuable content that can provide more than mindless entertainment.
Know your true nature. That means knowing who you are and what you stand for.
Be true to who you are. Be original and don't try to imitate others just to please them.
Live consciously. Always ask yourself why you do certain things. Don't live on autopilot, or you'll wake up one day and find that your whole life has slipped through your fingers.
The Personal Journey

Think of the day when it's over. I know it seems strange. But let me explain. The thing is, when I'm at the end of my journey, I want to know that I've lived my life right, I've not missed anything, and I've tried my best to fulfill my dreams.
Don't get permanently attached to anything. Sooner or later you will have to say goodbye to every object, person, situation-anything you accomplish in your life.
Don't judge people for their opinions.
Don't expect to always win. No matter how much effort you put into your work, it probably won't be enough. You may lack strength, talent or ability.
Don't blame others for your failures. Whatever you do, you make your own decisions. And if you make a mistake, don't blame it on others, but find a way to fix it.
Simplicity is a real blessing, so live a simple life. The less a person needs, the easier it is to be happy.
Avoid negative thoughts. This way you shape not only your mood, but also the reality around you. Much depends on what we think.
Believe in yourself. This may sound narcissistic, but it is not. You don't have to play the role of a sage, a prophet or a god. Be a regular person who trusts himself and knows that he will always do what it takes to be at his best.
Form your own rules, independent of established traditions in society. You should only care about doing the right thing.
Don't take everything as the truth just because others think so. Always look for evidence and logic. Truth cannot be based on faith or wishful thinking. You should only be interested in facts.
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