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Who is an optimist and how do you start thinking positively?

Optimists have it much easier in life; they always see the glass as half full. They try to see the world in color and not give up, even though they have problems too. I wonder how they do it? Check out this quick recipe for positive thinking.

An optimist - who is that?
According to psychologist Eric Erikson, an optimistic type of perception of reality is formed in early childhood. People who had a "predictable childhood", full of care and love, are more trusting and easier to endure stressful situations. Things are different for those who had a less predictable childhood, on the basis of which the child formed certain behavioral attitudes that are very difficult to change in adulthood.

To put it simply:

 An optimist is a person with a positive mindset. A person who tries to cope with stressful situations while maintaining self-control.
He always looks for a reasonable way out of difficult life situations. However, he is too trusting of things and people. He treats every positive or negative event as a great adventure, which brings with it a valuable lesson or a warning for the future. He believes he becomes wiser because of them.
How do you begin to think positively?
Thoughts can change the way we perceive our reality. If we focus on negativity, the relationship between us and others will turn into something like denial. Unconsciously we will reject anything that can help us, attracting things that can hurt us.

How do we fix this?
🔸 Reward yourself for every difficult situation you manage to overcome. Go for a walk or eat a favorite food. Allow yourself to experience positive and negative emotions, they are all part and parcel of life. Don't try to run away from them.

🔸 Don't be too hard on yourself. Everyone has the right to make mistakes, each one makes us wiser (as long as we can draw valuable conclusions from it). Be kind to yourself and others.

🔸 Talk to people and share your thoughts. Don't keep everything inside yourself. Interpersonal relationships often change the way you think, release negative thoughts and improve your mood.

🔸 Beware of things and people that are so-called "energy vampires." If you feel bad about them, give up on such people or change them.

🔸 Find a passion that produces happiness hormones in your brain! Learn to paint or play a musical instrument. Start doing things that give you pleasure.

🔸 Keep smiling! Laughter is contagious and is responsible for the secretion of endorphins in the brain, which improve our mood and immune system. Try it now and see how you feel tomorrow.

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, you just have to remember to turn on the lights."


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